Let me know how it works for you?? They're pictures of our entire trip.
This weekend really clinched how well John's treatments are going. Wow. He was full of energy, pooping like a champ, focused and entertaining. Quite a different kid than 3 weeks ago. Three weeks ago, he was lethargic, unfocused, apathetic...even though a lot of people said he seemed fine. Parents can always see the little changes in their own kids. We're spending 24/7 with them, so subtleties are blatant in the world of parent/kid relationships. The changes Carl and I were seeing in John were enough to make us do this and it's definitely been good. My huge fear is that this treatment will be like all the rest from the past ten years. They all have worked...then stopped. We'd have to research, visit a new doctor, try a new med, find a remedy...relentless and endless. I am so praying, and asking you to also, that this is the end all, be all for him. That this is the end of the road. That this is the answer. It was so clear when Carl and I prayed about coming. It was like God was shouting down from heaven, "For the love of me, GO! already! I've made it all work out! Get on the plane!" So we feel this is the place to be, yet...ho-hum. All this back and forth in my mind is tough.
Back to the positive, though. This weekend. What a fun kid we have! He's got a great sense of humor (it was hot, so he took off his shoes and said, "Goodbye Shoes! Hello socks!") and he's full of energy. For once, I am tired hanging out with him. Before, I'd have to pull teeth to get him to run around with me, bike, whatever...now I'm the one pooping out (oh! ha-ha, get it? - no pun intended) before him. That's so great!
On Friday after treatment, we headed up to San Diego to visit his cousin one last time before coming home (in less than a week - hurray!!). John and Jacob went to Rocket Camp with Jacob's Webelo pack. On Saturday morning, we drove about two hours southwest (toward Arizona) to the Imperial Valley Desert. The boys got a 45 minute lesson in building rockets and rocket safety, then they got to start building their rockets. Pretty soon rockets were launching high into the sky. It continued all day when we finally left around 4:30. It was so awesome being out in the desert! Did you know that it's not just movie magic that people actually ride around in the desert on dirt bikes - for fun, all weekend long!? They bring out their RV's and/or tents, adult beverages and bikes and just tear it up! I was soooooooooooo jealous! I so wanted to "make friends" with some biker so I could take a bike out. I rode out in New Zealand and have wanted a dirt bike since then, so it was awesome to feel the excitement again! John was all about the ATV's running around, as well as the really cool dirt buggies. What a FUN time. There was another group of people with a gi-normous catapult. They were catapulting different melons. It was so cool to see them fly through the air and splat! all over the desert floor. Some desert animals were going to eat well that night! We got home around 7 and everyone was really ready for bed.
On Sunday, Rob (my brother-in-law) and I went for a run up Iron Mountain (near their house). We ran 2000 ft up, then back down. I am SO sore right now...But God, it was beautiful. John, on the other hand, went bike riding. Here's what he had to say about it:
On Sunday afternoon, we went for a bike ride for about three miles. It was a HUGE PAIN! My bike tire was a little flat and it was super hard to pedal. But, I had fun rock climbing. We climbed near a waterfall, so if you missed a rock or slipped you'd fall into the water or get seriously hurt (mom here: good thing I wasn't there or John would have nothing to report about...).
We took the train back to the border Sunday afternoon and was once again reminded of how truly, truly blessed we are. Every time we take the train south, we see new poverty. I just cannot get over the fact that people live in such conditions. It utterly blows my mind. It only reinforces my desire to teach - knowledge is the way to bigger and better things.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:

woa, that looks like a lot of fun!! i hope you did have a good time. did you make your own rocket?
ReplyDeletelove ya
yes, jacob and i made a rocket together. i'm bringing it home if they let it on the plane.