First - Steven Bradley in England...we did not receive the book. I'll check with the receptionist tomorrow and follow up with you. In the meantime, please contact me via email. Thanks!!
Dear 5B,
I got your letters today and I'm going to answer some of the questions you asked. Thank you for writing all those letters to me!
Dear Jaden - How cool that we're playing Smoke on the Water on recorders!
Dear Karissa - Hope you had fun at the varsity girls game.
Dear Bradley - I laughed at some of your funky, weird words.
Dear Renee - Mexico is cold. It's only 80 today. I met some kids at the hospital. Their names are Devon and Roseanne. They're Amish.
Dear Jake - Please stop hurting yourself! Hope you do feel better!
Dear Adam and Seth - Congratulations on winning the snow bowl!
Dear Karley - I've watched some movies. Elf, Sum of All Fears, Saints and Soldiers, Top Gun. I'm reading Hatchet and some of Hotel for Dogs.
Dear Emily - Why did Konnor cry? Thanks for the math problem (no thanks!).
Dear Sami - Sounds like you had fun sledding!
Dear Morgan - I'm doing good in Mexico. Tacos are NOT the same in Mexico as at home.
Dear Taylor - Being in Mexico is kind of boring but not too bad.
Dear Annika - Got your message. Thanks.
Dear Tucker - Hope you don't break any bones at ice hockey or break any teeth! For Christmas, I got a couple of video games, binoculars that takes pictures, a tent and a chair.
Dear Winona - Hope you don't get the flu.
Dear Jarod - When I come back, there's a good chance I will not come back with four stomachs or come back shaped like a cow. I'm not living in the hospital. I live in apartments on hospital grounds.
Dear Sam W - I cannot believe that YOU are playing football. And you can tell Seth that anyone can do anything! The procedures have not half-killed me. The procedures made me lots better! Sorry to hear your fish is dying. I care about that. My grandpa taught me how to read a compass. I can help you when I get back.
For the rest of 5B, thank you for your letters! Boo-hoo...I am crying a river and I'm going to build a bridge and get over it!! with gratitude. haha I'll be back at school on Monday. Our plane gets in at midnight on Thursday night so I'll be home on Friday, unpacking. I think there is no school Friday, anyway.
Thanks for all your letters Everybody!!!!! I can't wait to see Miss Johnson's crazy dances!
January Tready Marathon YIKES!
5 weeks ago
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