Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 14: El Gatito

We had a pretty uneventful day today. Good right? Yup! In order to pass the time today after treatment, John and I made friends with los gatitos. There are five cats (gatito) that roam the clinic area, we decided to make friends with them. John had some leftover milk from breakfast, so we poured it into a bowl and set it outside the back door of the apartment. We waited. Soon, the cats smelled up the milk and were mewing around the door. John made friends with the seemingly king cat - he named him "Spot."


  1. Notes from 5B

    "Dear John, Hope you are having fun in Mexico. Did you have fun at the beach? Can't wait until you come back. It feels weird without you here. Can't wait to hear all that has happened when you come back." -Karah

    "Have you been to the beach yet? Have you found any other cats? Lately in school we have been learning long division and it is kind of hard. This morning the wind chills were -35. In art class we have been doing our masks and they are turning out great! Have fun in Mexico." -Julia

    "Hi John. I hope you are having a fun time besides what is happening at the clinic. I hope you are having fun with Senor King Cat "Spot." I am sure if you make friends with him/her the other ones will come around. Take care!" -Emily

    "Hello John. I hope that you are having a fun time even though you have to go to the hospital. What have you done so far? Are you still feeding the cats? Have you had to do a lot of homework? Hope you can come to school soon!" -Karley

  2. your cat friend looks pretty cool and intimidating there. i love him!!!

  3. john and mom,
    i got your package today and i love it all!! it's so cool.
    love ya
