La Bufadora, Ensenada The mist coming up from the hole. Pretty cool, hey?? If you click on the picture, it'll open in a new window and you can see it bigger.

The orange things on the rocks are living Starfish. (I would suggest opening this to a bigger photo. It's pretty darn cool in gi-normous view.)

Main Street of Bufadora. These vendors are
relentless. They will grab at you, push items into your face, shove flyers into your's very, very annoying. But, I did get an amazing deal on cowboys boots! We also got a great Father's Day gift for my dad. Can't tell you cuz he reads the blog. If he reads it here, then the surprise will be ruined when we see him next. Sorry.

Carl, Anj and John on the rocks above the blowhole waiting to be sprayed.
Andrea and John at the wall waiting to get sprayed even more!

John lost his tooth during lunch! Can the Tooth Fairy cross borders? Does s/he need a passport? Now
these are questions that need to be answered!

Some of the people in our group. That's Doug from Idaho on the end (left) and Angelica from California on the other end. The three empty chairs are me and Melvin and Susan Yoder. Being Amish, they didn't want their photo taken. Check out the background, too. It's so beautiful there.
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