John's new friend, Jesse from Georgia. What a great kid with fantastic manners!! "Yes, ma'am" or "No, ma'am" all the time! He's here with his grandma who's getting a booster treatment for breast cancer. She's a 6-year survivor, too.
Another day at the clinic. John had his treatment and a half today...his body is really taking the treatments well. No more turning beet red! He's accepting all the laetrile really well. That's great. All his numbers are so good - this means his body is at a very good state of homestatsis. Many of the people here are doing well this time around - all except one. He was being treated for lung cancer and had some pretty bad numbers (there's no confidentiality around here) but yet sat outside his apartment everyday, smoking like a chimney. Doesn't make sense to me. Why would someone spend the thousands of dollars it costs to come here, yet not change their lifestyle to accommodate the treatment? Well, anyway...there are some great people here - no surprise there. Here they are:
Larry - treated for lung cancer, first time here but wife came here and survived 3 years breast cancer, lives in Idaho
Doug - treated for prostate cancer, 6 year survivor, lives in Idaho
Angelica - treated for lupus, first time, lives in California
Susan and Melvin - treated for rheumatoid arthritis (Susan) and just better health (Melvin), from Indiana (they're Amish and know our Amish friends Esther and Glen from the last time we were here)
Moses - treated for prostate cancer, first time here, lives in Indiana (he's Amish, too)
So, there we go. That's everyone, except who's in the hospital but they're too sick to become friendly with - they're really focused on getting better, not making friends. One man, from Boston, is barely 3o. He has some kind of cancer and when he first got here, he cried constantly and his parents came because they didn't think he'd live. But, now he's feeding himself, sitting up and his parents left since he's doing so well. Amazing miracles everyday here.
So I found a place to swim: www.imdet.tijuana.gob.mx/index.asp. It's like an outdoor YMCA - basketball, track, outdoor track and field stadium, 2 pools, weight room, floor classes, etc. Everything you could want for working out, except spin classes. I've been swimming everyday in the 50 m pool. Wowza! What a difference from a 25 yd pool at our Y at home. It's so great to do long swims in a long pool! Everyone is really friendly - they let me practice in the 50 m pool with the swim team, as opposed to the small 25 m pool. All that to do and it only costs $250 pesos (about $2.00 American). Really, a deal!! If you go to the website, click on the "galarias" link. That's photo galleries - they photos of their recent triathlon. Wish I could've been here for that!!!
Tomorrow we go to Ensenada to visit La Bufadora.
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