We had a nice weekend in San Diego. We went up on the trolley on Friday afternoon, walked around Gaslamp District of a few hours and met Matt Fitzgerald for dinner at Anthony's Fish Grotto. He drove us up to Lisa's. Saturday we went to the San Diego Fair. I know you've been just dying to know which kind of cotton candy I decided on. I will make you wait no longer...both! Haha! Cotton Candy heaven! Then we found fudge. It was a nice day. The kids went on a ride where they spun around in their seats and on the arms of the ride. I'll put some pictures up tomorrow after I download them (thanks Lisa for the use of your camera cord!!).
On Sunday, FATHER'S DAY, we took Carl sea kayaking! We can finally tell you - it was his Father's Day surprise. We took him kayaking through Hike, Bike and Kayak (www.hikebikekayak.com) in La Jolla. It was 2-hour "cruise" around La Jolla Cove. We spent about 30 minutes learning how to paddle (just like canoeing, if you must know) then they set us free out in the Pacific Ocean. John and Carl were in one kayak, Anj and I in another. We kayaked over to the cove, it took about 20 minutes to get there. The ocean was pretty calm, just some good rollers - enough to make you feel pukey if you thought about it. Once we got to the cove, we paddled past and through some sea caves - that was pretty cool. Saw some sea lions in and out of the water, but no dolphins, whales or tiger sharks (all of which we were supposed to have seen). So a little disappointing on that end, but all in all very fun. There were about 10 other kayaks in our group. We all did a kayak race along the rock reef (similar to a barrier coral reef, but made of rocks instead of coral). Anj and I took second, only half a kayak behind a Navy Seal!! We so rock! I think kayaking is my new sport - now only if I didn't get seasick...Carl was very happy and enjoyed himself immensely and that's what our goal was. I wish we could've taken some photos but I took some after and they'll get posted, but Carl was smiling the whole time and looking like a kid in a candy store with free reign. It was nice to see him so happy.
After the kayak trip, we hung out on the beach for a while, soaking up the sun. Then we went to have lunch, La Jolla style and toured an open house. A 2-bedroom, master bedroom w/suite, LR, BR, kitchen and DR for $1.4 million. Taxes = $125,000. Not kidding. It's 3 blocks from the ocean, so it's all about location, location, location. It even had a garage and a pretty nice backyard. I would consider mowing the back lawn - it would take about a half hour with a good pair of scissors.
We got back to the apartment at around 8:30 TJ time, after a harrowing cab ride. The jerk tried taking advantage of us. I was NOT happy with him but really torn between letting him have it and our lives. Just like the police, you can't really trust the cabbies, either. He was going the wrong way, telling me it was more than 3 miles and I was arguing with him that it was more than 3 miles because he was going the wrong way. When he started going way out of the way, I put my foot down. I thought if it came down to it, we'd get out of the cab and hail another one. He got a real attitude but followed my directions. He dropped us off and I paid him the pre-agreed rate plus a slap-in-the-face tip. What an a$$hole. That was the first time we've run into anyone so blantantly rude and trying to take advantage.
We are "home" now safe and sound and all is good. Off to bed and another week starts tomorrow. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads - especially mine! Love you, Dad!
January Tready Marathon YIKES!
5 weeks ago
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