Only five more treatments left...then no more! Yeaaaa!!!! John's pretty happy. Especially because they put his new catheter IV in a spot where there's a lot of arm movement and the needle keeps hitting his vein which causes him some unexpected surprises of pain. Elias, the nurse says there's a lot of nerves on the walls of veins (to protect them). John gets to feel them every so often. He'll just have to suck it up for a couple of more days, then they can replace it. For now, though, when it moves, we've learned how to wiggle it around so it moves away from the vein wall. Think of it like when your fork hits your amalgam filling...zing! He'll survive.
Anj went up to San Diego today to be with Rachel for a few days. We're trying to arrange some travel again this weekend, too; it's actually very stressful. It's hard having to depend on others to cart you around. I hope Anj has fun, though, with Rachel. They're like two peas in a pod, so they ought to have fun together.
After I dropped off Anj in San Deigo, I went for an hour run downtown along Harbor Dr. This follows the ocean-front, it's like the tourist spot for SD. There were a lot of people; runners, walkers, jugglers, magicians, tin-men (some guy spray-painted silver acting like a robot for money), shoppers and homeless people. I ran from the trolley Transfer Station to the airport and back. It was beautiful run. There was a cruise ship in port, so that was really cool to see up close like I did. I came back across the border, had a little lunch and went swimming at IMDET again. Got a good workout in today. Am still greatly missing my bike, but with a 100 mile ride planned for next Friday, I'll get reacquainted fast.
Did a naughty thing today and walked to the gift shop across the street. Bought a Pepsi (God, I love Pepsi, especially when I don't have it for 4 or 5 days) and m&m's. Both are forbidden on clinic grounds. But, so totally unlike me, I had a hankering for them so I bucked the system and drank my Pepsi with dinner and had my m&m's for dessert. The patients had papaya juice and baked apple. Ha! I think I got the better deal. :) I got some grief for it, though, from one of the patients so I was nice enough to keep my pop can hidden during the meal.
Seems to be a party next door tonight at the local restaurant. Maybe I'll have to go check it out - wonder if they have beer? Since I already broke the rules with pop and candy, why not go all the way??
Adios, mis amigos. Buenas noches.
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