There is a man here from Maui. He had a bad dream Wed night and kicked so violently in his dream that he broke his right femur! I kid you not. Turns out, his melanoma has spread to his bones. His bone cancer is bad enough that his femur broke from the force of his kick. This guy is amazing - I went to talk to him and he's thanking God for the incident. I get where he's coming from, but wow! He thanks God for it because without the strange circumstance of how his leg broke, he would not have known his cancer spread. He had surgery last night: they scraped out the cancer, inserted a rod in his femur and set the rod with surgical cement. Again, wow! I'm so anxious this morning to know how he's doing.
Now, if that wasn't enough for us here, we were visited again by La Policia Thursday night. They've been around a few times since we got here, but we got pictures this time!! Well, John got pictures. We sent him out into the street with the camera to get a few shots. He's the next embedded Fox News Reporter, you know. Anyway, the police were gathered at the top of the road that night. A few nights earlier, there were about 25 of them everywhere. One of the cooks said the mayor was in town and they were there protecting him. But, we don't know that for sure.
John got a shot of them as the drove away. Notice how Carl is inside the gate, checking things out. By the way, these police are local, not federal. The federales are in black trucks with (usually) 4 guys in the back.
Oh! I forgot to tell you that Carl tried actupunture yesterday. I wish I'd had the camera!!! He's going to try acu-suction on Monday to pull all the dead blood out of his upper back. He's been having a lot of problems with his right shoulder. According to Mr. I-don't-speak-English-or-Spanish,-only-Korean, this will help him feel better. Another patient here did it a few years ago and she swears by it. It's very affordable (remember, we are in Mexico - everything is affordable!) so why not? I'll try to get some pictures for you!
We are off to SD for the last time today. Will be back early Monday for John's treatment. Adios!
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